People from around the world, throughout time, have thought of the earth as a living, sentient being. We call her Mother Earth, Gaia, Pachamamma, Magna Mater and more in many languages. When we tune in to the earth’s aliveness, we discover that she crackles and hums with energy. Just like we do.
In the human body, we call the energy pathways meridians, and the places where the energy coalesces and gathers power, chakras. In the earth’s body, the energy pathways are known as ley lines and the places where they cross and generate palpable magnetic fields, vortexes or chakras. Just like there are seven major chakras in the human body, there are seven major chakras on the earth These centers are spiritual places where our ancestors built temples and great monuments, and gathered for ceremony and healing. These places continue to draw us to them, allowing us to tap into the power grid of the planet so our spirit can be renewed and refreshed, and we can show gratitude and appreciation for our home.
When I googled earth chakras, I discovered there is a pretty good consensus on where they are located:
Root chakra - Mount Shasta in California
Sacral Chakra - Lake Titicaca in Bolivia and Peru
Solar Plexus Chakra - Uluru & Kata Tjuta in Australia
Heart Chakra - Glastonbury & Shaftesbury, England and Maui, Hawaii
Throad Chakra - Pyramid of Giza, Egypt; Mount Sinai, Egypt; Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Israel
Third-Eye Chakra - Glastonbury, England (Probably) This chakra is said to move with each new age.
Crown Chakra - Mount Kailash, Tibet
These places are all on my bucket list. I’d love to visit each of these sites in person; see the landscape, experience the culture, taste the air, and feel the earth beneath my feet. I haven’t made it to any of them yet… so I’d better learn how to travel hack, like one of my clients recently suggested. The good news, though, is that we can connect into these places energetically, through our intention. It’s faster - and cheaper - to travel this way. On this snowy Friday in northern Colorado, I find myself drawn to visit the Great Pyramid of Giza, the earth’s throat chakra.
The Great Pyramid is thirty times larger than the Empire State Building and its features are so large they can be seen from the Moon. Its base covers 13.6 acres, each side being greater than five acres in area. It is the oldest structure in existence, having been started over 4,600 years ago. (Image by Nader MoHammed from Pixabay)
Known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit, the throat chakra is the powerhouse of communication, self-expression, and how we put our truth out into the world. This energy center is responsible for how we interact with others, make ourselves known, and advocate for our own needs. In our bodies, it’s located right in the center of our neck, in the area known as the “energetic bottleneck”. Because of this, it’s common for energy to get stuck here. Given what American politics have demonstrated in the early days of this new decade, it’s pretty clear that our collective throat chakras are in need of clearing! What energy do you suppose is stuck in the earth’s throat chakra placed in the middle of a region that has known strife for so many generations?
Join me on this journey into the mysteries of the Great Pyramid and our own throat chakras. Let us set this intention
… to release the past filled with our old stories
… to speak our truths
… to bridge our hearts and minds, allowing for peace
… to feel love and gratitude to our Mother Earth
To help you get underway, I suggest listening to this music called Stargate: Invocation by Steven Halpern. It was recorded in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid. I’ve owned this CD for many years and every time I listen to this 4-minute piece, I get goose bumps and feel transported into the heart of creation. Play it the first time, setting intention and connecting with the Pyramid and surrounding region. Feel yourself joined by me and everyone else who is inspired to make this connection. If you have time, play the piece a second time and sing along. Halpern chants OM, the vowels (A, E, I O U), OM, OM, OM as he clears the path for us to build a new future, in partnership with each other and with the earth.
Image by FelixMittermeier from Pixabay
As I embark on this journey, I find myself in a vast crystal chamber. At the first OM, the ceiling opens up to reveal the night sky, glowing with the light from a million stars. Yes, the goose bumps rise, too. I feel connected to ALL THAT IS. As I sing along, the energy bottleneck in my throat releases and my voice gets stronger. I feel refreshed and hopeful.
One of the best parts about setting a healing or loving intention with others, and with the earth, is that we place ourselves in the flow of infinite love and light. As we give, we also receive. The feeling is magical, as in this case, we clear our own communication bottlenecks and lend our support to healing the earth.
I would love to get your comments and feedback as you experience this intention setting process. If you feel energized with this exercise, consider joining my upcoming workshop Chakra Balancing with the Power of 8. For the first week, we’ll do a daily intention setting for each of the earth’s chakras. After that, we’ll set a weekly healing intention focused on one of the eight participants. When you get a group of 8 or so people together, focused on the same intention, the experience is remarkable! Learn more at Harness the Power of 8.