The fourth chakra is known as Anahata in Sanskrit, which loosely translates to “unstruck”, the concept of being unhurt or unbroken. And this beautiful notion is a great thing to keep in mind while working with your heart.
Exploring The Chakras Part 3: The Solar Plexus
Exploring The Chakras Part 2: The Sacral
Exploring the Chakras Part 1: The Root
Settling In To The Sacred Stillness Of An Open Chakra
Your chakras are always spinning and churning energy, just like your computer is always humming away in the background. But what if you want to make a change in the way your energy system runs? You’ll probably have to reboot everything, right? That’s what we are attempting to do with this technique.
Chakra Clearing Along The Tongue River
Last week, I was camping in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming. It’s wild, beautiful country. I was hiking along a gentle trail that follows the Tongue River and felt inspired to clear my chakras in a new way. The clearing process was simple. Yet by the end of the hike, I felt free in a way that is hard to describe.
Releasing Energy Cysts In Therapeutic Practice
Energy Cysts 101- What are they and where do they come from?
The Keys To Your Emotional Empowerment
Our collective language tends to have a disempowered attitude towards our human emotions, where we are passive recipients of emotions, and emotions are something we must “deal with” to get on with our lives. But this approach not only saps our active participation, but it also perpetuates the myth that emotions are always out of our control- as if we are mere sailors, caught on the high seas of feelings.