Have you been feeling the urge to clear the decks to make way for good things to happen this year? Let me give you a jump start!
For 7 days, beginning on January 20th which just happens to be the Super Wolf Blood Moon, I will clear one of your chakras of stale, stressful energy that has accumulated over the past year. I will also clear the energy in a corresponding area of your home.
By the end of the week, your body and home will have shed past energies, and be more receptive and energized to embrace the possibilities of 2019! The January full moon with total lunar eclipse is the perfect time to get started. One of the websites I especially like is The Power Path. Anna and Lena do a great job in their monthly forecast. Their title for January is “CLEAN IT UP”.
“We have some very big energies coming in that you will not be able to take advantage of if you are bogged down in physical, emotional and energetic clutter, old intentions, unfinished business, anything you have put off or procrastinated and should have done “yesterday”, regrets, unexpressed communication, attachments to disappointments and unmanifested dreams, persisting bad habits, and we can go on and on as the list is very long.
You cannot bring in the new without making space by cleaning out the old. It is very simple. ”
The energy clearing will take place remotely each morning at sunrise (Colorado time). You can remain snug asleep in your bed, sit in meditation or be heading off to work. After the clearing, you’ll receive an email with a bit of related wisdom to contemplate during your day and a free writing prompt. The schedule will be:
Sun, 1/20: Clearing Root Chakra and your sleeping place
Mon, 1/21: Clearing Sacral Chakra and your kitchen
Tue, 2/22: Clearing Solar Plexus Chakra and your car
Wed, 2/23: Clearing Heart Chakra and your hearth (or main living area)
Thu, 2/24: Clearing Throat Chakra and your phone
Fri, 2/25: Clearing 3rd Eye Chakra and your computer or tablet
Sat, 2/26: Clearing Crown Chakra and your front door
The workshop will be limited to 12 people. All you have to do is sign up, and then set your intention to release what you no longer need. You can spend 0-15 minutes each day and reap the benefits.
Cost is $140. (If you’d like to participate, but cannot afford it right now, two half-price scholarships are available.
If you’re curious about how clearing energy in your home works, check out my 2017 post Clearing the Energy in Your Home of Workplace.